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Reducing the Finance Director’s headaches

Technology is one of the biggest costs in a company. It might be the essential life blood of a business, but it can certainly give the Finance Director a few headaches!

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Building an agile workplace culture

When you put together a plan for business continuity, we’re betting you didn’t map in a scenario where the whole team were not allowed into your business premises for a lengthy period.

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What is Shadow IT?

Have you come across the term “Shadow IT” before and wondered what it is? Even if the answer to that is “No”, you definitely need to be aware of it and the implications for your business.

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Adoption – How do you get your team to buy in?

One of the biggest challenges companies face is getting the whole team to buy in when they move over to a new system or start using new technology.

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Device Encryption – the why and the how

Do you protect the data available on your mobile phone and other devices, or is it just freely accessible to anybody that picks it up?

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Ransomware – Makes you WannaCry?

You’ve probably heard of ransomware and are wondering what all the fuss is about.

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Password managers – what should you do?

If you follow the password protocols we recommend for creating passwords, they are a complex combination of characters, which is excellent for security, but not so good when you need to recall them.

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What is OneNote?

OneNote is part of the Microsoft Office suite and is available as part of Office 365. It is compatible with both Windows and Mac machines.

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What makes a good password?

For all of us, the subject of passwords is a real pain. We have multiple accounts to access -email, various business apps, banking, and that’s apart from personal stuff like online shopping, film streaming services, and so on.

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