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Is SharePoint the future for document sharing?

It’s divisive but we all have a preference. Paper is considered the old-fashioned way of working – on a logical level, it’s not efficient anymore. It messes up the office and it’s not particularly environmentally friendly either. So, what’s the alternative?

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An Insider’s Guide to IT Project Success

The world of technology constantly creates new possibilities and opportunities; and so somehow we need to ensure we are in the 30% that get things right.

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Road Mapping – the key to exceptional service!

Road Mapping is a robust process we use with clients that documents and joins the dots between all the areas involved in a client’s journey with Riven.

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Interview with a Technology Revolutionist…!

In your expert opinion, what are the number 1 priority businesses should be focusing on right now?

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Microsoft Windows 11 – to download or not to download? That is the question

Six years after they launched Windows 10, Microsoft have launched the new and improved Windows 11!

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Public WIFI – a hackers delight!

There are two main types of attacks through which cyber-criminals can use shared public Wi-Fi to gain access to your personal information and steal your identity...

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